24 October 2012

Two Way Street

As I am sitting here thinking of things to write or actually type, I have to think of a couple of occasions of talking to friends and hearing how they can't figure out what the other is thinking....So here it goes.. As with any in life it is a give and take thing, what you give to the relationship should never be more than what you are willing to give to the relationship. Now for the game of chicken...most relationships don't happen by accident like a game of chicken with an 18 wheeler..they start out as two cars going by each other on the opposite sides of the road, one of you just happens to notice the other and you pull over to exchange names and numbers.. If this exchange happens then you are no longer on the two way street..you are now on the one way road that will either be a dead end road for some or it will be a path that leads you to each other more often.. I have set up a STAR STAR account for anyone that wants to send me questions that you want to ask but don't want to post it here...to reach that dial **GGTWR on your phone...Hope to hear from you....

21 September 2012

A time for intimacy and a time for "LOVE"

Guys have you every asked the woman that you are with if they want to be intimate or if they want to make love...bet most of you haven't.. Guys it's not that hard of a thing to do..better yet on one of the nights that you really think you might get "lucky" try just telling her that you want to lay down beside her and stroke her hair till she falls asleep...that my friends is "LOVE"

18 August 2012

Sorry for the Delay...

I just noticed that it has been a couple of months since I posted anything, for that I am truly sorry..A lot has been going on within my family and within my heart as well. For starters my daughter Caitlyn was diagnosed with Stage IV Hodgkin Lymphoma just two months shy of her 14th birthday...that alone will turn any persons world upside down but as a father this not only took the winds out of my sail, but had me wanting to do everything within me to take away that pain. That is the pain within my heart knowing that this is her fight and after all is said and done she will emerge stronger and more beautiful as a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.

11 April 2012

Something to ponder

Something for you to think about...You have to let go of someone to let a better one take the place of the one that treats you wrong...You need someone that will not walk in front of or behind you but besides you through everything..if you find that person take that chance don't let them pass you by..

The "Player" or Being "Played"

As I have been going through this small journey of enlightening other on how to deal with woman within relationships I feel that I may have fallen into that trap of "BEING PLAYED".

I say this because for the last couple of months I had been seeing someone and thought everything was going as well as it could be, but then I realized that there was no passion within this relationship and it basically fizzled out. Reason no passion, she had another on the side and was basically dragging me along.

Well that all changed cause now I'm back to the old me, my kids come first above all else and if that special person comes along or is already here I will know it soon enough, till then "SINGLE" I shall be.

Guys just remember that even though you might want to think of yourself as a "PLAYER", remember that within the "GAME" one of you is going to get "PLAYED".

19 March 2012

Think of the Kids FIRST....

I had a conversation with a friend of mine yesterday, I won't mention any names to protect the innocent ones...THE KIDS...but during this conversation we got to talking about how men and women do stuff that not only hurts the other party involved but at the same time hurts the KIDS more.

During the conversation I pointed this out to her..."guys don't realize and some women too that just because you are going through or are already divorced..that the kids are the ones that suffer by you being the idiot in the situation..".

I have another friend of mine that is going through a little harder situation cause the father refuses to basically interact with his own child..or if he does set up a time and date to be with his child he cancels out. Guys and Gals it took two to tango and make the kids, own up to your responsibility and if you say you are going to do something then you darn for sure better stop the world you live in and make sure that the KIDS are first.

Another thing that guys need to realize within this situation is that when you hurt the child MOMMA BEAR protects her cubs and if you don't want to see the teeth stay out of the trap..JUST SAYING

Now I know I am going to take the flack for this comment but I don't really care because I know that when it all comes down to it I make sure that my kids are provided for FIRST, I pay my child support ahead of time so that way nothing can be said about that. As far as other things that my kids want they know that if daddy has the resources to get what they need they will get it,if not then they wait. I have always tried to be the civil one in this situation and my older two see that DADDY is at least trying.



Till the next time...LOVE yourself, but LOVE THEM MORE...

01 March 2012

Mr. Right not Mr. Right Now....

In the past week I have had the pleasure of talking to a couple of my "lady friends"...seems as though a reoccurring theme has developed amongst them...not finding Mr. Right.....and settling for Mr. Right Now..Even though they have been listening to my advice on this blog they still dropped their standards to be with someone that'd they normally wouldn't date.

Ladies if he is saying all the right things to you....trust yourself that he probably isn't Mr. Right but is Mr. Right Now...the grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.

Keep your head and standards up and you will find Mr. Right soon enough...

18 February 2012


A relationship needs to be based on a lot of things but the most important one of these is that both parties have to be willing to be honest with each other or else the relationship is doomed from the word go.... The worst part about being in a relationship with only one person being honest is that the other person in the relationship ends up being the one hurt....

14 February 2012

Valentine's Day

With today being Valentine's Day....always remember that you don't always have to be in the same state to let that special person know how much they are cared for a loved...in this era of technology a simple text or phone call to tell him/her how you feel will go a long way

30 January 2012

The Spark...Fireworks or Sparklers

Most woman look for that one guy that they think is going to be there "Fourth of July"..in other words they are looking for that guy that makes them see fireworks when they are near..guys remember this when you are talking to a woman about things cause what you think might be a budding relationship really is only a "Sparkler".

29 January 2012

The Flowers

Guys you will be surprised to know but most woman when asked what there favorite flower is that the answer isn't always the ROSE, so don't assume that it is..ask her, know more about the woman you are with...Truly knowing your woman takes time but if you put in the time you will be rewarded..

23 January 2012

Resistance is Necessary...not Futile!!!

Temptation and the resistance of such temptation makes a relationship, even a "Friendship"..that much stronger.

I have learned that with each passing moment of a budding relationship that if you able to resist the temptation to want to be with the other person that you are with helps make the time that you do get together that more passionate.

17 January 2012

The Game of Chess

Guys just to let you know woman are not pawn pieces to be played with.  The game of friendship and LOVE must be done by treating her like "The Queen".

10 January 2012

Sink or Swim

Always remember that it is better to become friends and work your way up the relationship ladder then it is to dive off the pier and sink...Friends first, relationship later...

04 January 2012

WWW....What Women Want

Women want to hear praise from their man every once in a while. Say something nice about her..(ie...her eyes, her clothes,). Make sure you are sincere about what you are saying and don't overdo it..Also make sure that you notice when she buys that new dress and gets her hair done...if she has to say something to you about it then you aren't really noticing what is around you...she might not be either..